Wilmar – An opportunistic play
Before I start, I will like to state that this short write up is to highlight a possible opportunistic play on Wilmar and not an in depth analysis on Wilmar’s fundamentals. Table 1: Wilmar’s statistics vis-à-vis its peers Companies Px on 22 Sep 10 (S$) Px on 5 Oct 10 (S$) % chg Analysts’ Consensus TP (S$) Potential Capital Gain (%) Forecast PE (x) ROE (%) Forecast Div Yield (%) *Total Potential Return (%) Golden Agri 0.58 0.58 0% 0.65 12.2% 14.1 12.1% 1.3% 13.5% Indofood 2.28 2.31 1% 2.62 13.5% 16.8 17.6% 0.8% 14.2% Kencana 0.405 0.40 -1% 0.39 […]