Trading is easy, isn’t it? [20 Nov 16] (Part 1)

If somebody says his profession is a trader, what will you immediately think of? I believe most people would immediately flash across thoughts of fine dining, fast cars and effortless work. Is this really the life of a trader? If it is so easy, why don’t we all jump onto the “trader” bandwagon? In my opinion, trading or punting without consistent profits and plans is easy but it is not recommended. It is akin to gambling. If we are referring to trading as a consistent means of earning our keep, it is not easy. Ask any professional trader and nine […]

Profit from the Panic – Developers’ Deadlines? BREXIT? (30 Jun 2016)

Profit from the Panic – Developers’ Deadlines? BREXIT? (Guest post) – Developer’s deadlines to sell units are reaching – Where are the opportunities? – Is the Singapore Property Market bottoming out? – If ABSD is removed who will benefit the most? – Does BREXIT pose risks to Singapore Property Markets? What are the other risks?   Developers’ deadlines to sell units are reaching – Where are the opportunities? With many developers hitting their deadlines for Qualifying Certificate (QC) – which need to sell within 5 years of construction else fined 8/16/24% for 1st/2nd/3rd year OR ABSD (developers to pay 15% […]