Nasdaq has soared 14% in 1 month! Should we chase this rally? (30 Jan 23)

Dear all It has been a busy January. As you are aware, I have kept my powder dry by taking it slow and easy in Dec and have taken some opportunistic positions amid the sell-off in Dec. Just to recap, with reference to my writeup published on 3 Dec (click HERE), where I mentioned that I am taking it slow and easy in Dec, S&P500 and STI fell by 5.9% and 1.2% respectively in Dec. In fact, S&P500 registered the worst Dec performance in four years. However, Hang Seng was still very resilient and jumped 6.4% in Dec on continual […]

Comfort Delgro sinks to 14-year low! Will it go lower? (19 Jan 2023)

Dear all On 11 Jan, Comfort (CD) closed at $1.21, the lowest close since 31 Oct 2008. The next day, to the horror of CD’s shareholders, it broke $1.21 with volume expansion and closed at $1.18. At the time of this write-up, CD closed today at $1.14, the lowest close last seen 29 Oct 2008. Will CD fall more? Or will this be a comfortable trade at current level? Let’s read on for more.   Possible reasons to be bullish A) Still a recovery play CD with its operations in Australia, China, Singapore, UK etc. should gradually benefit as economies […]