Markets hit by selling pressure. Is it time to BUY? (23 Oct 23)

Dear all It has been some time since I last wrote an article on market outlook. I have been extremely busy for the past three months where I have been meeting companies and other associates. (Check out my LinkedIn HERE). I have also just arranged an exclusive meetup with Lendlease Reit Manager CEO, Kelvin Chow and Head of Investor Relations, Ling Bee Lin with my clients last Friday. (Click HERE). As of last Friday, Lendlease Reit’s market capitalisation is around S$1.16b. With reference to Chart 1 below, October continues to see the third monthly outflows of funds from China equity markets. […]

Lendlease Reit – Under-appreciated reit; yields >7% per annum! (3 Jul 23)

Dear all Lendlease Reit (“Lendlease”) caught my attention as according to consensus, it offers a potential dividend yield of around 7.1% in each of FY23F and FY24F (financial year ends in June). Furthermore, 7 analysts have rated Lendlease a buy with average analyst target price $0.85, representing a potential capital appreciation of around 28.8%. Lendlease closed at $0.660 on 30 Jun 2023. For a reit, such returns, if they indeed materialise, are rather substantial. As such, this leads me to dig deeper into the reit. Last month, I am fortunate to meet Mr Kelvin Chow, CEO of Lendlease Global Commercial […]

Comfort Delgro closed at $1.03, lowest last seen on 18 Mar 2004! (9 Jun 23)

Dear all Comfort Delgro (“CD”) closed at $1.03 today. Based on Bloomberg, this was the lowest close last seen on 18 Mar 2004. The main reason cited for this recent drop was that Citi has reduced its target price for CD from $1.63 (26 Feb 2023) to $1.32 (2 Jun 2023). Nevertheless, they maintained their buy call. Is it all doom and gloom? Should we throw in the towel and just give up on CD? Personally, I find CD interesting at current levels. Before I delve into it, just for record purpose, I have a previous article on CD published […]

U.S & European stocks logged their largest weekly falls for 2023. What’s next for the equity markets? (26 Feb 23)

Dear all With reference to my writeup published on 30 Jan 2023 (click HERE), where I mentioned I would be cautious in the overall markets, especially after a sharp run up, US stocks have dropped consecutively for the in the past three weeks. Dow has fallen consecutively for the past three weeks and logged its sharpest 1,010 points or 3.0% last week.   So, what is next for our markets? Do we buy, hold or sell? Just to highlight, the below is a sample of a brief stock alert or / and observation which I typically send to my clients […]

Nasdaq has soared 14% in 1 month! Should we chase this rally? (30 Jan 23)

Dear all It has been a busy January. As you are aware, I have kept my powder dry by taking it slow and easy in Dec and have taken some opportunistic positions amid the sell-off in Dec. Just to recap, with reference to my writeup published on 3 Dec (click HERE), where I mentioned that I am taking it slow and easy in Dec, S&P500 and STI fell by 5.9% and 1.2% respectively in Dec. In fact, S&P500 registered the worst Dec performance in four years. However, Hang Seng was still very resilient and jumped 6.4% in Dec on continual […]

Nov has been a fantastic month for equities! What’s next? (3 Dec 22)

Dear all With reference to my writeup published on 25 Oct (click HERE), where markets seem to be plagued with various negative news, I pointed out that Dow may have formed a bullish double bottom formation. In the writeup, I also featured Hang Seng tracker ETF (2800.HK) and UOB. My clients would have noticed my almost daily writeups on the stocks to consider taking a closer look as they hit lows in Oct. Below are only some of the stocks which I have featured on my blog in Oct and their performance. Table 1: Featured writeups on my blog in […]

Dow seems to have formed a bullish double bottom formation (25 Oct 2022)

Dear all Talk to anyone and I guess at least 50% of them are shaking their heads. Some of their usual concerns are a) Anxieties on the economy and their jobs in 2023; b) Hit by inflationary pressures from rising costs ranging from food, fuel, electricity, cars and properties; c) Worries over their home mortgage as rates are soaring through the roof; d) Concerns on their portfolios whether there may be more losses ahead and etc… At the point of writing this article, Hang Seng closed -1,030 points lower, or -6.4% to close 15,181. Is it all doom and gloom? […]

Numerous trading opportunities as Singapore corporates report results (9 Aug 2022)

Dear all, Happy National Day! How has your portfolio been year to date? With reference to my writeup published on 3 Jul 2022 (click HERE), I mentioned that there are likely to be opportunities in the next few weeks. Post my writeup, S&P500 touched an intraday low of 3,722 on 14 Jul before closing up 418 points or 11.2% at 4,140 yesterday. In fact, S&P500 posted its best monthly gain in July, since Nov 2020. STI touched an intraday low of 3,088 on 15 Jul before trading up 183 points or 5.9% at 3,271 yesterday. Our Singapore banks started to […]

Markets – market opportunities may materialise in the next few weeks (3 Jul 2022)

Dear all, I have been extremely busy with work. In my line of work (i.e., stock broking), we may have numerous trading ideas but we always face severe time constraints every day. My clients can attest to the numerous messages and information which I send out daily (Nevertheless, I do remind clients to exercise their due diligence on such information which I send as they are general in nature and may not be suitable to one’s specific risk profile etc.) For my readers, thanks for the patience and for viewing my blog which unfortunately, is not updated as frequently as […]