SingPost – Likely strong earnings growth this financial year! (30 Jun 24)

Dear all Singapore Post Limited (SingPost) is one of CGSI’s three value picks with re-rating potential in their Singapore Strategy report dated 8 May 2024. I have the privilege of meeting SingPost Group CFO, Mr Vincent Yik this month which I have shared with my LinkedIn (click HERE). It is interesting that SingPost has formed a potential bullish hammer on 28 June with a one-month high volume. SingPost closed at $0.430 on 28 Jun 2024. Why is SingPost interesting? I have summarised my readings from SGX announcements, analyst reports and my 1-1 interaction with Vincent in this article. Some key […]

S&P500 hits the highest last seen in Aug 2022! Should we buy, hold or sell? (3 Jun 23)

Dear all First of all, apologies for the hiatus in posting new market outlook on my blog. I have been extremely busy for the past three months. My clients can attest to how busy I have been. I have been sending out my market views and news even on weekends and on public holidays. 😊 With reference to my previous writeup published on 26 Feb 2023 (click HERE), I mentioned that I planned to pare positions so that I can accumulate on weakness. In retrospect, it was a timely call. I was fortunate that I have pared my positions so […]

Nov has been a fantastic month for equities! What’s next? (3 Dec 22)

Dear all With reference to my writeup published on 25 Oct (click HERE), where markets seem to be plagued with various negative news, I pointed out that Dow may have formed a bullish double bottom formation. In the writeup, I also featured Hang Seng tracker ETF (2800.HK) and UOB. My clients would have noticed my almost daily writeups on the stocks to consider taking a closer look as they hit lows in Oct. Below are only some of the stocks which I have featured on my blog in Oct and their performance. Table 1: Featured writeups on my blog in […]

Dow seems to have formed a bullish double bottom formation (25 Oct 2022)

Dear all Talk to anyone and I guess at least 50% of them are shaking their heads. Some of their usual concerns are a) Anxieties on the economy and their jobs in 2023; b) Hit by inflationary pressures from rising costs ranging from food, fuel, electricity, cars and properties; c) Worries over their home mortgage as rates are soaring through the roof; d) Concerns on their portfolios whether there may be more losses ahead and etc… At the point of writing this article, Hang Seng closed -1,030 points lower, or -6.4% to close 15,181. Is it all doom and gloom? […]

Markets – diverging signs from technicals and fundamentals. What should we do? (4 Apr 2022)

Dear all March has been a roller coaster month. Hong Kong market, represented by Hang Seng index touched multi-year lows around 14-15 Mar and has rebounded approximately 21% from the intraday lows. S&P500 performed well too with a third consecutive weekly rise. With reference to my writeup (click HERE) published on 6 Mar 2022, I mentioned that a) Odds are likely of a downward push first I mentioned that based on chart, odds are higher for a downwards move for both S&P500 and STI, to retest the previous support around 4,115 – 4,222 and 3,138 – 3,200 (with 3,175 a […]

Markets may continue to be volatile but also present valuable opportunities ahead (6 Mar 2022)

Dear all We are two months into 2022. How is your portfolio doing? With reference to my writeup (click HERE) published on 17 Feb 2022, I mentioned that STI is likely to face headwinds in the near-term and SG banks’ share prices are likely to peak around 7-18 Feb based on past observations.   Coincidentally a) STI peaked on 17 Feb. In fact, STI has tumbled 6.9%, or 239 pts from its intraday high 3,466 on 17 Feb to close 3,227on 4 Mar. Last Friday’s intraday low was 3,208. More about its chart below. b) Banks – DBS peaked on […]

AEM enters bear market despite analysts’ positive calls. What gives? (20 Feb 22)

Dear all AEM has fallen 21% from an intraday high of $5.37 on 14 Dec 2021 to close $4.25 on 18 Feb 2022. What has happened in the last two months to warrant such falls? Based on Bloomberg, average analyst target price is around $6.72, representing a potential capital upside of around 58%. Is this the bottom for AEM, or will it fall further? Personally, I think AEM is worth a closer look at $4.20 – 4.30 region. Let’s take a look at its investment merits and risks.   First things first, what does AEM do? According to its company […]

STI – to head towards 3,390 points in 1Q2020? (25 Dec 19)

Merry Xmas! As we approach end 2019, most market strategists are putting their market estimates for end 2020. Although I do not profess to be in the league of these market strategists, just for fun, I am expecting STI to head towards 3,390 in 1Q2020. STI closed at 3,222 on 24 Dec 2019. I have outlined my basis and the risks involved.   Factors for my bullish basis a) Chart looks positive after bullish break Based on Chart 1 below, STI has staged a bullish break above its flag formation on 12 Dec 2019. Notwithstanding below average volume for the […]