SingPost – Likely strong earnings growth this financial year! (30 Jun 24)

Dear all Singapore Post Limited (SingPost) is one of CGSI’s three value picks with re-rating potential in their Singapore Strategy report dated 8 May 2024. I have the privilege of meeting SingPost Group CFO, Mr Vincent Yik this month which I have shared with my LinkedIn (click HERE). It is interesting that SingPost has formed a potential bullish hammer on 28 June with a one-month high volume. SingPost closed at $0.430 on 28 Jun 2024. Why is SingPost interesting? I have summarised my readings from SGX announcements, analyst reports and my 1-1 interaction with Vincent in this article. Some key […]

Markets may continue to be volatile but also present valuable opportunities ahead (6 Mar 2022)

Dear all We are two months into 2022. How is your portfolio doing? With reference to my writeup (click HERE) published on 17 Feb 2022, I mentioned that STI is likely to face headwinds in the near-term and SG banks’ share prices are likely to peak around 7-18 Feb based on past observations.   Coincidentally a) STI peaked on 17 Feb. In fact, STI has tumbled 6.9%, or 239 pts from its intraday high 3,466 on 17 Feb to close 3,227on 4 Mar. Last Friday’s intraday low was 3,208. More about its chart below. b) Banks – DBS peaked on […]

STI is up 10.1% YTD; may face profit taking in the near-term (16 Feb 2022)

Dear all STI has been on a tear since the start of the year. With reference to my write-up published on 5 Jan 2022 (click HERE) citing that Asian indices are likely to outperform that of the U.S. market in 2022, STI has indeed notched strong year to date (“YTD”) gains of 10.1% to close 3,439 on 16 Feb 2022. This outperformance is especially stark if we compare it to S&P500’s -6.1% YTD returns. As I have shared with Lianhe Zaobao on 9 Feb 2022, I personally feel that our STI is overbought in the near term with several near-term […]