Yoma has breached its two-year downtrend line with volume expansion (2 Jun 24)

Dear all, Among the numerous write-ups which I regularly sent to my clients; I have previously done a short write-up on Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd on 23 Apr 2024. It traded between $0.040 – 0.042 on 23 Apr and closed at $0.041. A multi-year low (at least 13 years low) price was reached on 19 Apr and 22 Apr. I have actually informed some active clients who trade small cap stocks to take a look on 19 Apr. Since 23 Apr, Yoma has seen stellar performance in its share price by rising 137% from $0.041 to touch an intra-day high […]

Civmec – poised for a potential breakout above flag formation! (10 Sep 23)

Dear all With reference to my technical write-up on Boustead Singapore dated 23 Jun (click HERE), I pointed out that Boustead Singapore seems to be poised for a bullish breakout. It closed at $0.825 on 23 Jun and subsequently jumped 9% to touch an intraday high of $0.900 on 26 Jul. This compares favourably to STI which generated a 4.0% over the same period. Another stock, Civmec has recently caught my attention due to its chart development which may portend a potential bullish breakout. It closed $0.805 on 8 Sep. First of all, let’s understand what Civmec does.   Description […]

Alert! Comfort Delgro – Multi-month base building & challenges key resistance – Looks bullish (6 Aug 22)

Dear Readers, As you are aware, I usually will do a stock screening using Bloomberg at the start of each month. In the screening, Comfort Delgro (“CD”) pops out on attractive valuations via my metrics. This is not the first time that CD pops out in my screening. However, coupled with some of the points below, it may arguably be a good time to take a closer look in CD. Due to time constraints, this write-up will be brief and I will just raise some pertinent points and risks. For a more complete picture, it is advisable to refer to […]

Markets may continue to be volatile but also present valuable opportunities ahead (6 Mar 2022)

Dear all We are two months into 2022. How is your portfolio doing? With reference to my writeup (click HERE) published on 17 Feb 2022, I mentioned that STI is likely to face headwinds in the near-term and SG banks’ share prices are likely to peak around 7-18 Feb based on past observations.   Coincidentally a) STI peaked on 17 Feb. In fact, STI has tumbled 6.9%, or 239 pts from its intraday high 3,466 on 17 Feb to close 3,227on 4 Mar. Last Friday’s intraday low was 3,208. More about its chart below. b) Banks – DBS peaked on […]

GSS Energy – Electric mobility business takes shape (25 Jan 22)

Dear all, With reference to my write-up published on 5 Jan 2022 (click HERE) citing that Asian indices are likely to outperform that of the U.S. market in 2022, our Asian indices, viz. Hang Seng and STI have outperformed the U.S. market significantly (See Table 1 below). U.S. S&P500 notched a 6.4% decline whereas Hang Seng and STI registered a 9.0% and 4.2% gain respectively since my write-up. Table 1: S&P500, Hang Seng and STI 2021 performance since 5 Jan 2022 Source: Ernest’s compilation Given the outperformance, are there still pockets of opportunities in our Singapore market? The short answer […]

3 interesting charts to take note: GSS Energy, China Sunsine and Sing Medical (28 Oct 2021)

Dear all With reference to my market outlook published on 3 Oct 2021 (see HERE) where I cited opportunities in our Singapore market, our Singapore market (represented by STI) has jumped 154 points, or 5.1% since 1 Oct. Amid the recent strength, is it too late to plough into the markets? Are there still stocks who may have further upside? Based on my personal chart observation, GSS Energy, China Sunsine and Sing Medical have interesting / bullish charts’ setups which may be interesting to take a look.   GSS Energy Based on Chart 1 below, GSS seems to be on […]

STI at 3,051 – Presents some attractive opportunities (3 Oct 2021)

Dear all With reference to my market outlook published on National Day (see HERE), both STI and Hang Seng have hit their highs on 10 Aug and 11 Aug respectively before dipping. Based on Table 1 below, S&P500, Hang Seng and STI have fallen 1.8%, 6.1% and 4.0% respectively since my writeup. Table 1: Indices’ performance since my last writeup Source: Ernest’s compilations Amid the recent weakness, you may be wondering whether it is a good time to accumulate on weakness. Before we get to this, let’s take a look at the indices’ charts.   S&P500 closed 4,357 Based on […]

2 interesting charts to take note: Comfort Delgro & Q&M Dental (22 Sep 2021)

Dear all With reference to my market outlook published on National Day (see HERE), markets have broadly declined, in line with my expectations, with STI and Hang Seng touching their highs on 10 Aug and 11 Aug respectively before dipping. Amid the recent weakness, two stock charts, namely Comfort Delgro and Q&M Dental catch my attention. Let’s take a look.   Comfort Delgro Based on Chart 1 below, Comfort Delgro has retreated to the low last seen in Nov 2020. It is currently at $1.51 and is testing an important support around $1.50-1.51 for the past three days (inclusive today). […]

S&P500 closed at record high! What should we do? Buy or sell? (9 Aug 2021)

Dear all S&P500 has clocked its sixth consecutive month of gains in July 2021. This is the longest stretch since 2018. Furthermore, S&P500 has touched a record high to close at 4,437 on 6 Aug 2021. In the next 3 months, are markets poised for higher highs? Or should we be prudent and take some profit off the table first? Let’s take a look.   Ernest’s personal market observations a) Lack of catalysts to push the market higher Since Covid last year, markets, especially U.S. markets, have been able to push higher due partly to the combination of ultra-easy monetary policies; […]

UG Healthcare – 6 interesting aspects on UG which caught my attention! (26 Oct 2020)

Dear all, UG Healthcare (“UG”) recently caught my attention. It has tumbled approximately 20% from an intraday high of around $1.15 on 7 Aug 2020 to close $0.915 on 26 Oct 2020. The doji formation on 26 Oct 20 on good volume may be an early indication that selling may abate in the near term. The recent weakness in UG’s share price is likely attributed to profit taking in the share prices of its Malaysia listed peers and occasional news on the development of vaccines which may result in demand for gloves and consequently their average selling price (“ASP”) falling […]