SingPost – Likely strong earnings growth this financial year! (30 Jun 24)

Dear all Singapore Post Limited (SingPost) is one of CGSI’s three value picks with re-rating potential in their Singapore Strategy report dated 8 May 2024. I have the privilege of meeting SingPost Group CFO, Mr Vincent Yik this month which I have shared with my LinkedIn (click HERE). It is interesting that SingPost has formed a potential bullish hammer on 28 June with a one-month high volume. SingPost closed at $0.430 on 28 Jun 2024. Why is SingPost interesting? I have summarised my readings from SGX announcements, analyst reports and my 1-1 interaction with Vincent in this article. Some key […]

Civmec – poised for a potential breakout above flag formation! (10 Sep 23)

Dear all With reference to my technical write-up on Boustead Singapore dated 23 Jun (click HERE), I pointed out that Boustead Singapore seems to be poised for a bullish breakout. It closed at $0.825 on 23 Jun and subsequently jumped 9% to touch an intraday high of $0.900 on 26 Jul. This compares favourably to STI which generated a 4.0% over the same period. Another stock, Civmec has recently caught my attention due to its chart development which may portend a potential bullish breakout. It closed $0.805 on 8 Sep. First of all, let’s understand what Civmec does.   Description […]

Boustead Singapore – chart poised for a bullish breakout! (23 Jun 23)

Dear all With reference to my write-up on Comfort Delgro dated 9 Jun 2023 (click HERE) where I pointed out that I am comfortable to accumulate Comfort Delgro for a trading play, Comfort Delgro closed at $1.03 on 9 Jun, the lowest close last since on 18 Mar 2004. Since my writeup, Comfort Delgro has fortunately appreciated nine out of ten trading days to close almost 15% higher at $1.18 today. This compares favourably with STI which moved up 0.2% over the same period. Another stock, Boustead Singapore has recently caught my attention due to its chart development. It closed […]

Comfort Delgro sinks to 14-year low! Will it go lower? (19 Jan 2023)

Dear all On 11 Jan, Comfort (CD) closed at $1.21, the lowest close since 31 Oct 2008. The next day, to the horror of CD’s shareholders, it broke $1.21 with volume expansion and closed at $1.18. At the time of this write-up, CD closed today at $1.14, the lowest close last seen 29 Oct 2008. Will CD fall more? Or will this be a comfortable trade at current level? Let’s read on for more.   Possible reasons to be bullish A) Still a recovery play CD with its operations in Australia, China, Singapore, UK etc. should gradually benefit as economies […]

Comfort Delgro drops back to pandemic lows! What gives? (30 Sep 22)

On 1 Sep, it was announced that Comfort Delgro (“CD”) will drop out of STI after being first included in the STI on 28 Jul 2010. Subsequently, there was turmoil in United Kingdom (“UK”) gilts and currency as UK government led by Prime Minister Liz Truss unveiled a (surprisingly) GBP45b plan to reduce taxes (click HERE for more information). Although CD may see some near-term price weakness, at Friday’s close of $1.32 (CD touched an intraday low $1.29 at the point of writing this), I personally believe most of the negatives may have already been priced in. Why am I […]

Sing Medical – Trades at a 13-month low price despite posting record 1HFY21 results (3 Feb 22)

Dear all On 29 Dec 2020, I have published a write-up on Sing Medical (“SMG”) where I outlined that the risk reward on SMG seems favourable at $0.315, given a potential share transaction scenario (click HERE). Since 29 Dec, SMG rose approximately 32% to trade $0.415 – 0.420 on several occasions in Feb 2021. Subsequently, it dropped sharply in Apr 2021 when it announced that the potential share transaction has lapsed. Fast forward to 31 Jan 2022 and SMG closed at a 13-month low at $0.290. This is notwithstanding its sterling record 1HFY21 results announced in Aug last year where […]

2 interesting charts to take note: Comfort Delgro & Q&M Dental (22 Sep 2021)

Dear all With reference to my market outlook published on National Day (see HERE), markets have broadly declined, in line with my expectations, with STI and Hang Seng touching their highs on 10 Aug and 11 Aug respectively before dipping. Amid the recent weakness, two stock charts, namely Comfort Delgro and Q&M Dental catch my attention. Let’s take a look.   Comfort Delgro Based on Chart 1 below, Comfort Delgro has retreated to the low last seen in Nov 2020. It is currently at $1.51 and is testing an important support around $1.50-1.51 for the past three days (inclusive today). […]

Starburst – building order books; bright outlook (24 Aug 2020)

In May 2019, I met Starburst’s Managing and Executive Director Mr Yap Tin Foo. Since Mar 2020, Starburst has been on a roll in winning contracts and I believe it is an opportune time to meet Mr Yap again. Despite Mr Yap’s busy schedule, he agrees to meet me on 1-1 basis to share his company’s business operations and prospects. Below are some of my takeaways from my discussion with him and from its recent results briefing.   Company description Quoting from Starburst’s press release, it is an engineering specialist in a niche industry, and designs, fabricates, installs and maintains […]