SingPost – Likely strong earnings growth this financial year! (30 Jun 24)

Dear all Singapore Post Limited (SingPost) is one of CGSI’s three value picks with re-rating potential in their Singapore Strategy report dated 8 May 2024. I have the privilege of meeting SingPost Group CFO, Mr Vincent Yik this month which I have shared with my LinkedIn (click HERE). It is interesting that SingPost has formed a potential bullish hammer on 28 June with a one-month high volume. SingPost closed at $0.430 on 28 Jun 2024. Why is SingPost interesting? I have summarised my readings from SGX announcements, analyst reports and my 1-1 interaction with Vincent in this article. Some key […]

Markets hit by selling pressure. Is it time to BUY? (23 Oct 23)

Dear all It has been some time since I last wrote an article on market outlook. I have been extremely busy for the past three months where I have been meeting companies and other associates. (Check out my LinkedIn HERE). I have also just arranged an exclusive meetup with Lendlease Reit Manager CEO, Kelvin Chow and Head of Investor Relations, Ling Bee Lin with my clients last Friday. (Click HERE). As of last Friday, Lendlease Reit’s market capitalisation is around S$1.16b. With reference to Chart 1 below, October continues to see the third monthly outflows of funds from China equity markets. […]

Civmec – poised for a potential breakout above flag formation! (10 Sep 23)

Dear all With reference to my technical write-up on Boustead Singapore dated 23 Jun (click HERE), I pointed out that Boustead Singapore seems to be poised for a bullish breakout. It closed at $0.825 on 23 Jun and subsequently jumped 9% to touch an intraday high of $0.900 on 26 Jul. This compares favourably to STI which generated a 4.0% over the same period. Another stock, Civmec has recently caught my attention due to its chart development which may portend a potential bullish breakout. It closed $0.805 on 8 Sep. First of all, let’s understand what Civmec does.   Description […]

Lendlease Reit – Under-appreciated reit; yields >7% per annum! (3 Jul 23)

Dear all Lendlease Reit (“Lendlease”) caught my attention as according to consensus, it offers a potential dividend yield of around 7.1% in each of FY23F and FY24F (financial year ends in June). Furthermore, 7 analysts have rated Lendlease a buy with average analyst target price $0.85, representing a potential capital appreciation of around 28.8%. Lendlease closed at $0.660 on 30 Jun 2023. For a reit, such returns, if they indeed materialise, are rather substantial. As such, this leads me to dig deeper into the reit. Last month, I am fortunate to meet Mr Kelvin Chow, CEO of Lendlease Global Commercial […]

Comfort Delgro sinks to 14-year low! Will it go lower? (19 Jan 2023)

Dear all On 11 Jan, Comfort (CD) closed at $1.21, the lowest close since 31 Oct 2008. The next day, to the horror of CD’s shareholders, it broke $1.21 with volume expansion and closed at $1.18. At the time of this write-up, CD closed today at $1.14, the lowest close last seen 29 Oct 2008. Will CD fall more? Or will this be a comfortable trade at current level? Let’s read on for more.   Possible reasons to be bullish A) Still a recovery play CD with its operations in Australia, China, Singapore, UK etc. should gradually benefit as economies […]

Markets – market opportunities may materialise in the next few weeks (3 Jul 2022)

Dear all, I have been extremely busy with work. In my line of work (i.e., stock broking), we may have numerous trading ideas but we always face severe time constraints every day. My clients can attest to the numerous messages and information which I send out daily (Nevertheless, I do remind clients to exercise their due diligence on such information which I send as they are general in nature and may not be suitable to one’s specific risk profile etc.) For my readers, thanks for the patience and for viewing my blog which unfortunately, is not updated as frequently as […]

Will Singapore stocks outperform U.S. stocks in 2022? (5 Jan 2022)

Dear all With reference to my market outlook published on 7 Nov (see HERE) citing our Singapore market may face near term profit taking, STI dropped 201 points, or 6.6% from 3,242 on 5 Nov to close at 3,041 on 30 Nov. As we start 2022, various investment banks and research houses have put forth their views on how the various markets will perform. In this write-up, I will share how the markets have performed in 2021 and my market outlook in 2022.   How did the markets perform in 2021? Based on Table 1 below, it is evident that […]

S&P500 closed at record high! What should we do? Buy or sell? (9 Aug 2021)

Dear all S&P500 has clocked its sixth consecutive month of gains in July 2021. This is the longest stretch since 2018. Furthermore, S&P500 has touched a record high to close at 4,437 on 6 Aug 2021. In the next 3 months, are markets poised for higher highs? Or should we be prudent and take some profit off the table first? Let’s take a look.   Ernest’s personal market observations a) Lack of catalysts to push the market higher Since Covid last year, markets, especially U.S. markets, have been able to push higher due partly to the combination of ultra-easy monetary policies; […]

Koda – Clear beneficiary of the surge in home furnishing spending trend (1 Jun 21)

Since 20 Aug 2020, Avarga has more than doubled from $0.146 to close $0.305 on 1 Jun 2021. Avarga’s strength is likely attributed to its 69.7% stake in Taiga (Taiga is Canada’s largest wholesale distributor of building materials, such as lumber, panels, doors, engineered wood, roofing and others). Taiga’s business has been flourishing due to the strength in home furnishings and the housing market in Canada and US. By extension, Koda may be another proxy to benefit from the surge in home furnishing spending trend. It is noteworthy that Koda is an Original Design Manufacturer / Original Equipment Manufacturer to […]

China Everbright Water and NetDragon look interesting… (30 Jul 2020)

This week, notwithstanding the continuous interest in glove companies, pharmaceutical companies etc, there are some companies which seem to have some steady inflows, based on chart observations. Two companies come to my mind, namely NetDragon and China Everbright Water Limited (“CEWL”). What is so interesting about the above companies? Let’s take a closer look at its chart and other noteworthy points. 1. NetDragon – on an uptrend, with all 13 analysts calling it a BUY Company description – before I delve into the chart… Some readers may not be familiar with NetDragon (HKSE: 0777). According to NetDragon company description, it […]