Sasseur Reit – Three analyst initiations in less than 2 months! What gives (25 Jul 23)

Dear all Two weeks ago, I mentioned that some reits’ charts (click HERE) have caught my attention. On a fundamental basis, besides Lendlease Reit (Click HERE for my key takeaway from my 1-1 meeting with Lendlease Reit Manager CEO), Sasseur Reit has caught my particular attention. What first caught my attention was that Sasseur Reit has seen three analyst initiations in less than two months! There are now six research houses actively covering Sasseur Reit. This is quite a feat for a China reit to attract such wide analyst coverage on a relative basis, as it is common knowledge that […]

Starburst – building order books; bright outlook (24 Aug 2020)

In May 2019, I met Starburst’s Managing and Executive Director Mr Yap Tin Foo. Since Mar 2020, Starburst has been on a roll in winning contracts and I believe it is an opportune time to meet Mr Yap again. Despite Mr Yap’s busy schedule, he agrees to meet me on 1-1 basis to share his company’s business operations and prospects. Below are some of my takeaways from my discussion with him and from its recent results briefing.   Company description Quoting from Starburst’s press release, it is an engineering specialist in a niche industry, and designs, fabricates, installs and maintains […]