SIA Engineering trades at 9-year low price and 10-year low valuations (26 Dec 18)

SIA Engineering (“SIE”) catches my attention this week because 1) Share price has fallen to the lows last seen in May 2009 – 9 +year low with negative news, more or less well known. It last trades at $2.20 on 26 Dec 2018. Based on Maybank’s report out this month, SIE management has flagged out challenges in their industry approximately two years ago –> on lower maintenance frequency required by newer aircraft and fleet growth at low cost carriers (“LCC”) requiring SIE to think of new solutions to reduce aircraft downtime at hangars; 2) At $2.20, RSI last trades at […]

Winners, Losers, Opportunities – How does the latest Property Cooling Measures affect you? (Guest Post,12 Jul 18)

The sudden Singapore property market cooling measures on 5th July 2018 had shocked the market as no one was expecting this measures. Many panicked causing a knee-jerk reaction which caused developers to launch 3 projects on the very night these measures were announced, find out more about these measures in this article and how it affects you. In any measure, there will be different impact on different groups of stakeholders. Inadvertently, there are winners, losers and opportunities created.   In this article, four main questions will be discussed 1.How does the cooling measures affect different groups of people? 2.What is […]

Oxley – poised to benefit from Singapore’s property market upturn (10 Apr 18)

Dear all, Do you know that Oxley has the largest residential land bank in Singapore by number of dwelling units, based on an article in the Business times dated 23 Jan 2018? Based on a flash estimate from the Urban Redevelopment Authority, Singapore private home property prices jumped 3.1% in the three months to Mar 2018. This was the fastest since 2010. Notwithstanding such buoyant sentiment in home prices, Oxley’s share price has recently dropped to near six month low levels. Thus, I think it may be worthwhile to take a look at Oxley.   First, a description of Oxley […]