6 concerns investors have with Midas (7 Apr 17)

Midas has slumped 14% post a 76% growth in its FY16 results. It closed at $0.225 on 7 Apr 2017 which was near the all-time closing low of $0.210. Some of my high net worth clients have told me their concerns on Midas. I have since met Mr Patrick Chew, CEO of Midas and Mr Liaw Kok Feng, CFO Midas for a 1-1 discussion. Here are my key takeaways.   Key takeaways from my concerns posed to the management Concern 1: Orders momentum have slowed for its aluminium extrusion segment According to management, they remain positive for their aluminium extrusion […]

5 observations on Sapphire’s results (10 Mar 17)

Sapphire’s share price slumped 8% from $0.335 on 27 Feb 2017 (before their results on 27 Feb, after market) to close $0.310 on 10 Mar 2017. Are their FY16 results bad? If yes, why does Mr Teh, CEO of Sapphire, record his first purchase since Sep 2015 now? Below are my five observations on Sapphire’s results. Click HERE for the press release. Table 1: Snapshot of Sapphire’s results Source: Company   5 observations on Sapphire’s results 1.Disposed loss making Mancala to be a focused infrastructure play Sapphire has divested the bulk of Mancala. Based on most industry experts, it is […]

Is Midas a recovery play in 2017? (3 Feb 17)

Midas has recently announced contracts after contracts. Based on Table 1 below, it is especially evident that Midas is gaining traction (particularly from 23 Jun 2016 onwards) in winning orders from clients, especially from its 32.5% stake in CRRC Nanjing Puzhen Rail Transport Co., Ltd. (“NPRT”). However, investors do not seem to share this optimism as Midas has fallen approximately 12% from $0.260 on 23 Jun 2016 to $0.230 on 3 Feb 2017. Table 1: Ernest’s compilation of contracts announced since 2015 Source: SGX; Ernest’s compilation Is the market overly pessimistic on Midas? I am fortunate to meet Mr. Patrick […]

GSS Energy – Roller coaster share price, what’s up? (28 Nov 16)

Since my write-up on GSS Energy (“GSS”) dated 10 Oct 2016 (see HERE), GSS shares have surged 34% from $0.080 on 10 Oct 2016 to an intraday high of $0.107 on 13 Oct 2016. It subsequently fell to an intraday low of $0.070 on 21 Nov 2016 before closing at $0.078 on 28 Nov 2016. What has changed in the previous few weeks to fuel such a roller coaster movement in its share price? I have listed some of their key announcements announced during the period below. 1. Formally signed contract with Pertamina On 3 Nov 2016, GSS, through its […]

Chiwayland – Aiming to be an international property developer; trading at 0.4x P/BV! (14 Sep 16)

While doing my usual stock screening, Chiwayland pops out as one of the undervalued companies, based on price to book valuation metric. Coupled with its recent multitude of positive announcements, I decide to take a look at this company.   Company description According to Chiwayland’s press release, its properties span across the heart of the Yangtze River Delta Region, including Shanghai, Suzhou and Nanjing. To date, Chiwayland has completed 11 property developments with an aggregate total GFA exceeding 2.0 million square metres, and is ranked as one of the Top 100 Real Estate Development Enterprise. In 2014, the Group embarked […]

Key takeaways from Sapphire’s 2QFY16 results briefing (12 Aug 16)

Sapphire Corp just announced a sterling set of 2QFY16 results last Wed. However, its share price barely budged. Is this a case of Mr Market being unaware of this stock, or is Mr Market still bogged down by Sapphire’s chequered past?[1] To know more about the company and its upcoming developments, I attended Sapphire’s 2QFY16 results briefing last Thurs, hosted at Peach Gardens. The meeting was hosted by Mr Teh Wing Kwan, Sapphire’s Managing Director and Group CEO and Mr Ng Hoi-Gee, Kit, Sapphire’s CFO, collectively known as (“Management”). Picture 1: Management meetup with analysts, funds and remisiers Source: Company […]

Sapphire’s order book hits a record high (15 Jul 16)

Sapphire’s order book hits a record high with RMB873m of worth of infrastructure contracts won on 14 Jul 2016. It seems to be evolving into a serious infrastructure play. However, it is still an under researched, under noticed stock judging from the lack of liquidity and zero analyst coverage.   Noteworthy points on the contracts won On 14 Jul 2016, Sapphire announced that it has clinched RMB873m worth of infrastructure contracts through its engineering, procurement and construction subsidiary, Ranken Infrastructure Limited. There are some noteworthy points in this announcement. a) RMB 300m Jian Cao Ping flyover & RMB 313m to […]